Category Archives: Photo Posts

Remember this guy?

I posted this photo a few days ago, and I didn’t know what kind of bird it was.  I thought maybe a red-shouldered hawk, but the details weren’t quite right.  A couple of friends had thought maybe a Cooper’s hawk or a red-tailed hawk.  I contacted a birder, and he thought maybe a broad-shouldered hawk or a red-shouldered hawk, but said it was difficult with juveniles.  A reader/internet friend suggested a sparrow hawk.  Obviously, his identification is not obvious!


Well.  My neighbor put a photo on Facebook, and identified it as a Prairie Falcon.  I looked up some photos, and Patti, I think you’re right!  They are considered rare in this part of Minnesota, as they are a western bird.  I’m sure he was migrating and that’s why we got a look at him in April.

Thank you, everybody.  That was fun!

Birds, Birds, Birds

I’ve been figuring out my new computer, getting programs loaded on it and adjusting to Windows 8.  Not too much fun.  So tonight for some real fun, I thought I would upload some bird photos for the blog.  Hah!  I now only have PhotoShop for editing photos, and I don’t know how to use it!!!  Well, I learned enough tonight to get a couple of pictures up.


The cardinals have been so pretty against the snow.  You can see how our trees have been budding out, in spite of all the snow we’ve had here in Minnesota.

Fox Sparrow

This is a Fox Sparrow.  He is quite a bit bigger than the other sparrows, and has a beautiful rust tail.


We have had a lot of dark-eyed juncos this winter.


And I’m not sure what kind of raptor this guy is.  Looking at my Raptor Guide, he looks kind of like a juvenile red-shouldered hawk, but then they all look kind of alike to me!  Whatever he is, isn’t he pretty?

PS:  I passed off the tufts on his head as the wind blowing, but now I’m wondering if they are ear tufts, and this is some kind of owl, maybe a short-eared owl?  I’m so confused…


I just wanted to send a little promise of springtime to those of you who are sick and tired of winter…and I know that applies to a few of you!  Here are a couple of photos I took Thursday just outside the birding center.  A pair of Queen butterflies:

Queen reduced

and a Pipevine Swallowtail.

Pipevine Swallowtail reduced