Playing Catch-Up

We are well into winter here in Minnesota.  Brrr!  The above photo was taken a couple of weeks ago.  It was a very humid winter day, not quite foggy.  The crystals were growing on the branches of all the trees.

We had a good snowfall earlier this month also.  It was so mild, we took a walk, intending to go around the little lake behind us.  We didn’t get too far, however, when we decided to head back.

One of those beautiful snowfalls with heavy, wet snow and warmer temperatures.  There was no wind, and the snow was able to stack up on top of everything!  We came across evidence of a child’s snow angel along the path.

I loved how the twiggy branches of this undergrowth was just loaded with snow.  Very abstract looking:

We had a lovely Christmas with our two younger sons and our daughter in law here for dinner Christmas Day.  We also had a nice phone chat with our oldest son in Virginia.

That’s it for now.  I’ve finally figured out my mental roadblock for posting lately.  I bought a new camera last spring, and the big card (not physical size, but storage size) doesn’t work in the slot in our older printer (which was such a slick way to upload photos).  That means I need to get the cable out and upload thru the camera.  Solution:  I need to get a smaller card for blogging pictures!  So obvious, but it took me nine months to figure it out!

4 thoughts on “Playing Catch-Up”

  1. Thank you for the beautiful pictures! Loved the snow angel. Snow is good for something. We had a very nice Christmas in Magna, Utah with Ryan and Donavan and families. Yes, lots of snow! Kids went sledding, ice skating, and played “Fox + Geese” in the snow with Nessa’s four younger siblings. Now we’re off to Mark and family for New Year. Happy trails to TX and for the New Year.

  2. Hi Sue, I liked seeing these pictures. I like the snow on the or under the branches. Very neat! I am in Dallas and it snowed! I haven’t seen snow in a long time.

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